DHP sec4s please pay CLOSE attention. (:
Thursday, September 14, 2006
I appologise sincerely for announcing this only now. We know you guys are happily enjoying yourselves at Nanking now. But while having fun, you must not forget your fellow zheng members back here :D
So, you must
share your joy.*coughcough*
*cough even louder*
*cough even more louder*
Wahpiang. Cough until want to sore throat already still never catch the hint meh? Haiyo.
I have confidence that you guys are not that dumb :D That, is a common agreement between all of us. Heh heh.
P.S. I never made it open and clear must buy stuff for us. Heehee^^
Okay lah. We shall be very nice and kind and not ask for presents lah. *Sigh* So touched, right?
Anyway, you all will most likely see this only when you all return. This is
not an excuse, but if you see don't pretend arh.. (:
6:40 PM
Source-based question
Monday, September 04, 2006
Source-based question:
How similar are Source A and Source B? [6m]
Source A
Source B
Yeahyeah. Samsoon reminds me of our dear
little fishie, especially the
fringe ^^
Heya no offence Xinyu :D
8:55 PM
mystery of the tagBORED.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
heya people shuting here :D hmm i shall start on a new topic that's hopefully interesting enough to encourage y'guys to blog. ohya there's currently two mysteries on our tagboard; one being the identity of biimbo gal and second the sudden and amusing appearance of MR H.I.M. hur, hur. biimbo gal. hmm i already know who is it le. teh rest of you find out yourself. yay! but what i find very funny is that biimbo gal says that fenzu is fun, but actually during fenzu she's like zzz-i-wanna-sleep. nyehnyeh biimbo gal. wake up or i will make you a gh_st whisperer. yesyes. ohya the slow minhui is very curious about your identity. next up, MR H.I.M. lol i bet zhengzu peeps are exceptionally familar with him. tell y'guys what me and assie the lousy saw *haha* at the sec four starboard. it wrote:"HUISHAN DARLING...FROM H.I.M"there's actually more content de. but it's nicer when you go read it yourself yeps (:
the stars thingy is a bit too glaring le, so i'll be a kind soul and tell you around where it is.
it's at the sec four study area :D
PS. huishan don't come after me with a chopper or whatsoever. go after MR H.I.M on the tagboard. he gave me inspiration.
1:18 AM