Sunday, April 29, 2007
hihi, long time din blog liao.. the blog is quite dead, but the tagboard stil relatively alive haha. gd job! =)
do u all feel relief after SYF? haha.. no more fenzu until the end of term 2!!!! haha guess u all wont see bobo anymore le.. he's officially retired!
regarding SYF, results are not so impt. mayb u all got the idea that i see the honour as very impt cos i cry like crazy after the result was announced. aiya, wrong idea, ppl. i cry because i feel very guilty and sorry towards Mr Tay n Cui Lao shi, and of cos the hope and faith that CO placed on us.. its so so so so so rare that we get to use the CO room firstly, and more rare that Mr Tay spent so much time fening us. those who din show respect to him deserve to be shot! anyway i think wat he said is very true la, 精益还求精, 何况还没精. its okay we still have 2009! by then we will have a stronger team, all with better skills. haha. jia you juniors!
and also mus add, bobo said mayb we din do our best but we tried our best! no regret le. okay this is for those who really have put in the effort. if not, feel guilty ba..
fan di
4:21 PM
syf gold
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
hi people. ming quan here, and you guessed it, i am going to blog about syf. anyway, just some thoughts and feelings i have, which u may or may not agree.we got gold for syf, not the gold with honours we were all hoping to get.when the results were announced, there was silence, guess everyone was stunned. but personally, i was about to cheer, but then i realised the atmosphere wasn't spirits dropped. it took wei cheng to let us give a half-hearted cheer. why is this the case? even though we did not managed to get gwh, we acheieved gold as a team! isn't that something worth celebrating for?
perhaps some of you might remember mr tay and cui lao shi saying, the main purpose of syf is not the award, its the music. ask yourself, do you think you have done your best? no matter how good your best is, its still your best. if you put in your utmost effort, there should be no reason to be that sad and disappointed, and i know many or all of us did so. otherwise, it high-time you start reflecting on why you did NOT try you best. and if some of you think i did not put in enough effort, all i can say is that i tried my best for the past 4 years.i dare to say that i put my heart and soul into guzheng, although i feel that i could have practiced in a better manner to achieve better results.
one year of practicing the two songs, think of all the work that you have put in. what have u gained? what have u learnt? or is this something you were forced to do? the main aim of dhsco is NOT to achieve gold with honours, although thats our short term goal, what dhsco and mr tay and all the other music instructors want is for us to develop a passion for the chinese music in the process of learning it. have you achieved that? congratulations if you have, and i hope you find your way soon if you don't. and dhsco is not just about music, it builds up your character too. it teaches you to teamwork, perseverence, responsibiltity and many others. how much have you grown spirtually since you joined co?i wonder what are your friends reactions upon learning guzheng got gold? do they ask why u did not achieve gwh? or did they congratulate you? i believe most are of the latter, and sincerely hope can go ask any of our seniors, i'm sure they are all very proud of you in their hearts. and in case u didn't know, only 3 sec schs were awarded gold today, and no sec schs had gwh. even though we did not get gwh, we maintained our standard of gold!there is no end to knowledge and skills, you can always improve. so for those whom are still disappointed and sad, get a grip on yourself! why not buck up now and prac to achieve a good quality! its the quality of practice that counts, not the quantity, and i'm sure you all have seen that in some way or another. so when do NOT miss fen zu for not valid reasons! and put ur heart into the music when you are there! we can all finish up on time then. and if you all are feeling very tired and in need of a break, why not let your seniors know? its better to break and come back rejuvenated than to play while half dead. and take care of you instruments too!and special note to the year 1s and 2s, jiayous for 2009 syf!i have got many other stuff to say, but maybe next time, i shall end here. Be happy that we achieved gold together as a team!
8:55 PM
Sunday, April 15, 2007
hello my fellow zhengs...
its 9more days.
practice hard. and smart.
play and MAKE the miracle.
dont prepare to play and HOPE that there will be a miracle.
if you put your 100% hearts to it. im sure you all can.
take some time, sit down and think about all that have gone through a yr ago since you get the scores.
it is never too late to practice effectively and efficiently now.
everyone is waiting to see the miracle you all are going to make.
be responsible to the ensemble, the orchestra, the school. most importantly, yourself. if you know you did your very best. it's enough.
you all can do it. make the miracle.
do the best, beyond your limits.
play music with your heart.
connect with it.
let it bond all of you tgt.
work tgt to achieve the one common goal.
you all can. really...
4:26 PM
Guess who.
Friday, April 06, 2007
If you interpret it in the Hokkien way: dan ku ku..
Means wait long long... (also dont have)
So cannot wait already! Must take action.
Ok this is lame but the point is...
Here -->
2:42 PM
Thursday, April 05, 2007
well since people have already commented a lot music-wise.. i shall spent more time commenting on attendance. as all of you can see, our attendance list is not very promising. it's so difficult even to spot a full attendance once. hopfully everybody is doing their best to at least ensure it happens at least from now till SYF, cause seniors are not really satisfied with our performance attendance wise.
well, it isnt easy. it had never been. but i hope all of you will treasure this time together as a whole zheng. treat every fenzu like an important process, cast all the troubles you have at the back of your mind and really try hard to focus.
i hope all of you will understand the importance of this syf, cause... its really an important experience. haha. its through this that we really see our hard work paying off. so many months of practising, what's that for? its just a one-chance thing. dont live to regret anyhing.
so JIA YOU guys. cause i really believe we can do it. together.
11:35 PM
paiseh did i left out our dear sec 1s? haha i think i did. i think wye inn and hui wen has really put in a lot of effort, keep it up, i noe u can do better than tt though haha. jiayou!
fan di
11:33 PM
wake up 18 days to SYF. haiz.. the count down really frightened me. we have less than 10 practices le, and that is including all the thursdays. haiz.. still not everyone is present today.. candis' hope for perfect attendance is dashed.. lol
when u can count the no of practices with your fingers but yet the expected standard is not there, its frightening. if u haven feel the pressure, pls wake up.
sec 4s: you all are seniors, pls set a good example for the juniors. its obvious that many of you have improved alot, in fact most of you have. but compare yourselves to OUR seniors. do you think its enough? ask yourself. this is the time to show your sense of responsibility and set the right tone for all the rest in zheng. rmb YOU ARE SENIOR!
sec3s: u all may not be the leading batch and thus dun feel as much pressure as the sec4s, but i can see that many of you are serious and putting in effort about the competition. BUT everyone's effort is needed. wat's the use if only some is doing the job while the rest are not? we are on the same boat, sink or float depends on everyone's effort. this is ur one and ONLY SYF le. do your best! we wil achieve our common goal!!!
sec2s: some of you told me that you do not think SYF is a big thing, its jus another competition or performance, what's the big deal about it? hahaha maybe that's because you stil have another chance to participate in SYF two years later. let me tell you, it is a big thing. look at the way dhsco celebrates their gwh. why would ppl be so extremely happy/excited/exhilarated/elated/overwhelmed/frantic if SYF is nothing important. all the chun zhi yun, gong yan and even malaysia trip are preparation for SYF. those performance are already very important yet they are nothing as compared to SYF. look at how other cca treats SYF. it the BIGGEST event in ur cca career. if u flop SYF, its equivalent to you wasted all the time and energy u spent in ur cca, playing some monotone songs. dun let urself regret after the competition.
zhengs: dun waste ur time during fz, practise the areas that you are weak in, the parts that haven reach perfect. dun have the mentality that you can play den good enough liao. stop live in self denial. NONE of us is really good enough for anything YET. put in ur best, gwh wil be ours. be attentive during fz.
for the rest of the practices, EVERYONE's presence is required.
co room is such a nice place haha =)
dun disappoint anyone le.. wake up! dun think u stil have plenty time left le. 18 days is really..... yeah jiayou!
fan di
10:28 PM
hey just wanna say that sorry for being so late today for fenzu..sorry.
i promise to try to be earlier next
oh btw i dont really trust kiwei to cut my beloved hair..
9:36 PM
Sunday, April 01, 2007
i was outside the CO room almost every morning this week, and i've witnessed this enthuness.

date: Wednesday 28 March 2007
time: 7:51 AM
look at the time man. then look at the number of shoes outside CO room. it's only in the morning, where people come to school, sleep-walking to their respective classes. but our enthu CO people chose to come to the CO room to practise. so 感动 can!
for the rest of the days in this week, there were about the same number of shoes outside CO room, if not more. there were enough people to initiate a mini dazu!
this also motivated me to work doubly doubly hard for our SYF. the problem is, a lot of people still haven't realised the anxiety and urgency. 拜托! 火都已经烧到屁股了! 你们还在想什么?!?! i'm not requiring you zhengzu people to go and prac everyday in the morning like them because by the time we carry the qin and stuff out , flag raising will start -.- i'm just talking about that positive attitude.
i know alot of zhengzu people have started to buck up and improve, but still, quoting our dear zuzhang: "it's not a solo competiton." a few people playing well, having positive attitude will not suffice. it's a group thing. what those people can do is only influencing others to adopt such a attitude. and saying this, i would really want to commend the year ones. they only have sucha short period of time to learn these 2 songs; plus, they also hafta cope with the difference between primary school and secondary school life. and yet they're showing us such good results. those who play worse than the year ones, i dont know what to say except cui lao shi's famous quote: 好好练吧…
i distinctly remember somebody saying this: "we may not be professionals in our instruments, but the bondedness we have can be heard from our music." positive attitude can be spread, it's just whether you are willing to open your heart and accept it.
please people, gold with honours is not what a mere few people can achieve.
everybody is important.
12:48 AM