汉江韵 scores
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Han Jiang Yun score has so many pages that i have decided to start typing first (to entertain myself) while waiting for all the 12 pages to be scanned -.-
Here's a couple of my all-time-fav jokes!!! :))))
*gua zou*
1) Why did the rooster cross the road?
2) Why did the piano drop from the sky?
3) An elephant and an ant crossed paths. What did the ant say to the elephant?
4) What did the black cat say to the white cat?
5) What is the difference between a fly and a mosquito?
6) 为什么要爬楼梯?
p.s. some of you who have been fen-ed by me before should know most of the answers because i recycle my jokes during fenzus. lol.
Woohoo~~ I finished scanning the scores!! >:D (this is a "smug" smiley face)
Ok you can try figuring out the answers to the above questions while waiting for the 12 pages to get printed. :) Please print your own scores because we do not have enough copies of Han Jiang Yun to distribute. Tyvm!!
OK I'm scooting off now. *scoots off*
*scoots back*
I forgot to mention this:
Concert Rehearsal will be on 20th Feb (sat), 9-1pm.*scoots off again*
p.s. Who is goodboy?
p.p.s. debbie, the blog is no longer dead.. for now only. lol.
p.p.p.s. I realised that this post will push down the previous posts. Check out the January 2010 archives for the 赶庙会 and 小天鹅舞曲 scores.

9:27 PM
Scores - 小天鹅舞曲
Monday, January 18, 2010
Hi, here are the scores for 小天鹅舞曲. Please print your own copy if possible.
Scores for 汉江韵 will be up by wednesday. I promise!
Also, kindly confirm with me again if you want to join in the junior high for 汉江韵 and 小天鹅舞曲 (must perform both, cannot only perform for one song only) so that SHENG BU can be arranged. This is to minimise disruption to the JH ensemble. :)
Can either text me or drop me and email at

6:24 PM
Alumni practice - 赶庙会
Friday, January 01, 2010
Here are the scores for the alumni item -- 赶庙会:
Note: Scores will be available when you come for practice. So its up to you whether you whether u want to print :)

Zheng 1: Charlene, Michelle, Esther, Shuting, Ophilia, Jie Yi, Rebecca, Ser Hua
Zheng 2: Ming Quan, Qian Yi, Jolene, Shu Qi, Fiona, Ya Qiong, Wee Ting, Yimin
11:20 AM